If somone wants to convert to Islam, I will reassure you it is very easy. There are many steps you should do to be a real Muslim.
First, you have to say The Two Declarations (shahadatan): there is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is the Prophet of Allah. Besides, you have to believe that Jesus is a Messenger of Allah not son of God.
Second, you should wash your whole body by water. If a woman, before being Muslim, finished menstrual period for example, she has to wash her body by water. Also, in the case of having sex relation between spouses, they have to wash the body.
Third, after doing the two steps above, you should do purification (wudu) to perform Prayer. Prayer is basic part of Islam. you need to know more about how to perform Prayer and what nullifies it. You can see Seven Nullifiers of Prayer
Fourth, after becoming Muslim, you are required to perform other Pillars of Islam, like Fasting of Ramadan, charity (Zakat), and performing the Pilgrimage to Mecca and know their details. You have to know more by searching on Islamic websites and asking Islamic scholars. You can see Five Pillars in Islam {Arkān al-Islām} (briefly)
To prove your Islam in public, you ought to register your conversion to Islam in the Sharia court and change your official papers that contain the old religion. You can read this article ماذا يفعل من أراد الدخول في الإسلام
To still being strong Muslim and Believer, keep in touch with good companions and get away from bad people and don’t forget to call God to prove the belief in your heart. Moreover, you should read and listen to Hadeeth and Quran explanation.