Kindness to Animals in Islam

Kindness to Animals in Islam has an immense emphasis on teaching compassion and mercy towards all living beings. This article explores key aspects of kindness to animals in Islam, supported by Quranic verses, Hadiths, and also inspiring Islamic stories.

Kindness to animals in Islam: Hadith about animals in Arabic

One of the most significant Hadiths about animals is:

.”عَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ رضي الله عنه أَنَّ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم قَالَ: “فِي كُلِّ كَبِدٍ رَطْبَةٍ أَجْرٌ

That means the following: “Verily, there is heavenly reward for every act of kindness done to a living animal.” This Hadith underscores the importance of mercy towards all creatures.

10 Sentences about kindness to animals

  • Prophet Muhammad An inspiring story tells of the Prophet (PBU) recognizing a camel’s suffering and also urging its owner to care for it better.
  • encouraged treating animals with mercy and also kindness.
  • He forbade overburdening animals or causing them pain unnecessarily.
  • Islam teaches that feeding a hungry animal is an act of charity.
  • The Quran highlights the importance of animals in maintaining balance in creation.
  • A good deed done to an animal, like providing water or also food to a dog, is highly rewarded.
  • Prophet Muhammad (PBU) reprimanded those who treated animals cruelly.
  • Stories from Islamic history emphasise the role of animals in serving humanity.
  • Acts of compassion towards animals reflect a believer’s piety.

The Quran describes animals as communities similar to humans (Surah Al-An’am: 38): “And there is no creature on [or within] the earth or bird that flies with its wings except [that they are] communities like you. We have not neglected in the Register a thing. Then unto their Lord, they will be gathered.”

The Prophet (PBU) once spoke of a woman punished for neglecting a cat.

Prophet Muhammad’s kindness to animals

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) exemplified mercy in his interactions with Humans and also animals. Moreover, he once stopped a journey to return a bird’s eggs to its distressed mother. He also warned against overloading camels and hitting animals on their faces.

Punishment for animal cruelty in Islam

Islam condemns animal cruelty and also warns of severe consequences. A famous Hadith states that Allah punished a woman in Hell for imprisoning a cat and denying it food and also water.

A good deed done to an animal

The Hadith about kindness to animals, narrated by Abu Huraira, states:

“A man walking along a path felt very thirsty. He came across a well, went down into it, and drank water. When he came out, he saw a dog panting and licking the ground out of thirst. The man said, ‘This dog is suffering from thirst as I did.’ So, he went back down the well, filled his shoe with water, and gave it to the dog. Allah appreciated this act and forgave him.”

Be kind to animals an Islamic story

An inspiring story tells of the Prophet (PBU) recognizing a camel’s suffering and also urging its owner to care for it better.

Quran verses about animals

The Quran frequently references animals, stating in Surah Al-An’am (6:38): “And there is no creature on [or within] the earth or bird that flies with its wings except [that they are] communities like you.”

Related posts: Companions of the prophet

In conclusion, The Quran’s teachings and the Prophet Muhammad’s actions An inspiring story tells of the Prophet (PBU) recognizing a camel’s suffering and also urging its owner to care for it better.

provide clear guidance on treating animals with care and respect.


What does the Quran say about kindness to animals?

The Quran encourages kindness to animals, recognizing them as communities deserving of respect and compassion.

What does Islam say about helping animals?

Islam emphasizes helping animals as a virtuous act, promising rewards for kindness and compassion.

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