The Story of Habil and Qabil

The story of Habil and Qabil in Islam teaches profound lessons on morality and envy. In addition, it teaches the value of sincerity, the dangers of envy, and the importance of controlling one’s emotions. We will tell you more about the Story of the sons of Adam.

The story of Habil and Qabil in Islam

The story of Habil and Qabil (Abel and Cain) is one of the most important stories in Islamic history. Besides, it emphasizes morality, jealousy, and divine justice. This story in the Qur’an, specifically in Surah Al-Ma’idah (5:27-31):

“And recite to them the truth of the story of the two sons of Adam, when they both offered a sacrifice to Allah, and it was accepted from one of them but not from the other. Said the latter, ‘I will surely kill you.’ The former replied, ‘Indeed, Allah only accepts from the righteous. If you should raise your hand against me to kill me, I shall not raise my hand against you to kill you. Indeed, I fear Allah, Lord of the worlds. I want you to bear my sin and your sin, and then you will be among the companions of the Fire, and that is the reward of wrongdoers.’ But his soul permitted to him the murder of his brother, so he killed him and became among the losers.”

Who are Habil and Qabil in Islam?

Habil and Qabil were the two sons of Prophet Adam Peace be upon him, the first human created by Allah. They symbolize the earliest case of sibling rivalry, leading to the first murder in human history. Moreover, this tragic incident offers enduring lessons about envy and its destructive consequences.

Who Did Habil and Qabil Marry?

Islamic traditions state that Habil and Qabil married their twin sisters, as was permissible during the early human generations to propagate mankind. However, disputes arose because Qabil wanted to marry his twin.

Why did Qabil Kill Habil?

While choosing between the two sisters, Allah instructed Prophet Adam (Peace be upon him) to ask his sons to offer sacrifices. Habil, being a righteous and pious individual, offered his best livestock, while Qabil, filled with arrogance, offered inferior produce. So, Allah accepted Habil’s sacrifice due to his sincerity, but Qabil’s sacrifice was rejected. Overcome with jealousy, Qabil killed his brother, committing the first murder in human history.

What Happened to Qabil in Islam?

After killing Habil, Qabil was consumed with guilt and fear. He did not know how to bury his brother’s body until Allah sent a crow that scratched the ground to demonstrate how to cover the deceased. Qabil then buried Habil, regretting his actions but unable to undo the sin. The story is a poignant reminder of the gravity of murder and its consequences.

Related post: 7 major sins in Islam

In conclusion, The story of Habil and Qabil, as mentioned in Surah Al-Ma’idah, is not just a historical account but a timeless moral lesson.


What is the lesson of the story of Habil and Qabil?

The story teaches the importance of sincerity, resisting envy, and understanding the consequences of wrongful actions.

What happened between Habil and Qabil?

Qabil driven by jealousy over Allah’s acceptance of Habil’s sacrifice, tragically killed his brother.

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