Difference between zakat and sadaqah

In Islam, many methods of charity are essential acts of worship, but what is the difference between zakat and sadaqah?  

What is Sadaqah and Zakat?

  • Zakat is a charitable duty on eligible Muslims, Zakat is one of the Five Pillars of Islam. It requires giving 2.5% of surplus wealth annually to eligible recipients, such as the poor, needy, and those in debt.
  • The evidence about Zakat in the Quran: “Establish prayer and give Zakat, and bow with those who bow [in worship and obedience].” (Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:43)
  • Sadaqah is a voluntary act of kindness and charity, which can take the form of money, goods, kind words, or even a simple smile. It is not restricted by wealth or specific recipients and is encouraged at any time.
  • The evidence about Sadaqah in Quran: “If you disclose your Sadaqah (charity), it is good, but if you conceal it and give it to the poor, it is better for you.” (Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:271)

5 Differences Between Zakat and Sadaqah

1- Obligation

Zakat is obligatory for eligible Muslims. While Sadaqah is entirely voluntary.

2- Calculation

Zakat is 2.5% of surplus wealth. While Sadaqah has no fixed amount.

3- Recipients

There are specific categories for Zakat as in the Quran. But Sadaqah has no specific recipients.

4- Timing

Zakat is annual. While Sadaqah is at any time.

5- Purpose

Zakat purifies wealth and fulfills an Islamic duty. While Sadaqah reflects personal generosity and kindness.

Similarities Between charities

Despite their differences, both share common goals. They aim to uplift the underprivileged, strengthen social bonds, and earn the pleasure of Allah. Both acts are forms of worship and bring blessings to the giver and the recipient.

Difference Between Sadaqah and Khairat

While Sadaqah encompasses all voluntary charity, Khairat specifically refers to charitable deeds or donations aimed at long-term community benefits, like building schools or hospitals.

Difference Between Zakat, Sadaqah, and Lillah

  • Zakat: Obligatory charity with specific rules.
  • Sadaqah: Voluntary charity for any cause.
  • Lillah: refers to charity given purely for the sake of Allah, often directed toward religious purposes such as building mosques.

Related posts: Importance of Zakat in Islam

In conclusion, They are a method of charity in Islam that emphasizes compassion, social justice, and aiding those in need.


What are three differences between zakat and sadaqah?

Zakat is obligatory, fixed, and annual, while sadaqah is voluntary, unlimited, and can be anytime, in any amount.

Can Sadaqah count as Zakat?

No, they are no similar because Zakat is a specific obligatory charity with fixed requirements.

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