Islamic Religion

This [Qur’an] is a notification for the people that they may be warned thereby and that they may know that He is but one God and that those of understanding will be reminded.
[O Muhammad], inform My servants that it is I who am the Forgiving, the Merciful. And that it is My punishment which is the painful punishment.

History of Islam… How was started? How was spread

It was natural that Prophet Muhammad – peace be upon him – began to introduce Islam to his family and the closest people to him, especially his wife Khadija …

Woman Status in Islam

Islam represents woman in a high and sophisticated position beginning with being mother, daughter, sister, and wife. It appears in many points …

The scientific miraculousness in the Quran

It means that Qur’an mentioned scientific information extensively that even the scientists discovered it after hundreds years. For instance, the Holy Qur’an mentioned in An Noor Surah …

Prophet Muhammed as a Great Model in Modesty

  • Palestine in lines from the Qur’an and Sunnah

    The Holy Qur’an mentioned Palestine as the Holy Land.  Land that God promised the Tribe of Israel. In the event that they comply with the order of God and His Messenger, Moses, to enter the Holy Land and fight its giants, they will be victorious and then live on their land. In contrast, they disobey…

  • The owner of the two gardens

    The story was about two men in the past, who had a relationship, one of them was a believer and the other  was an unbeliever, and the verses did not mention their names, nor place, nor time. God had afflicted the believing man with a poverty and lack of the number of children, unlike the…

  • The Requisites Of Woman Hijab In Islam

    What are the requisites of woman hijab in Islam? The answer: Al-hamdulillah (all praises be to Allah) and Praying and Peace for the Prophet. There are many conditions for Woman hijab if she is in company with unrelated man {not mahram} or in the case of going out. It should cover all of her body…